When it opens here is what I see:
My issue is that if you just glance at this email like I did the first time I looked at it, you would take from it that your rates are going up, to bad so sad. But, if you read it carefully you will see that you do not have get a rate hike if you just tell them you want to stick with the service you have now.
I am not sure if this was done intentionally or what! But, I will tell you when I first looked at the email I was so mad that my bill was going up I started to write them a letter blasting them about raising my rate when they cannot even offer me my discount for multiple systems on both SIRIUS & XM because they are on 2 billing systems.
I wanted to show this to all my readers so you can see how your customers can view your email marketing programs. If I would have gone on just my first reaction and not looked at the email again, I would have cancelled my service with SIRIUS-XM and told everyone I know to do the same. So remember everyone, before you send out an email like this make sure to have an outsider take a look and get their instant reaction. If the first reaction is anger, rewrite!