Well this evening marks the beginning of one of my favorite events in sales, our summit. Now just to catch all of you up the ACA Sales Summit simply put is a training & creative planning retreat. This is when I get to sit down with my entire sales force outside of the stress full environment of our office and get them ready for an amazing 1st Quarter. The entire event last 2 full days with Friday being the first as we leave at noonish from the office and then go out to dinner and talk sales all night. Saturday is our training focused day where we start at 8am and go till 7pm and do nothing but review the basics of what we do. Finally Sunday we talk strategy and pull out our creative homework we assigned before the summit to share with the team.
This summit program started 2 years ago and has been such a success that for 2009 we are now moving it from an annual event to a quarterly event. This is when sales gets focused in on just what we need to do and how we are going to get there. We create strategy to kill our competition in focused markets or industries and improve on current working strategies already in place. Basically is similar to sharpening your knife before you butcher an animal. It makes the whole process that much more enjoyable and smooth.
I know there is not much to talk about as far as content today but I promised this 3 day blog will be well worth the read. So check it out each day as I will make entries each day of the summit and a finial entry Sunday night to wrap up the entire event. And, since we are taping the whole thing I may even share a small video and pictures with all of you.
From Sales Life Style |
Bio: Michael McMillan is the director of Sales & Marketing for Answer Center America, Inc. “Qtr. 1, Day 1, Sales Summit 2009” IS part 1 of 4 reviewing the ACA Qtr. 1 Sales Summit. For more information on ACA's services please visit http://www.goacanow.com