Friday, August 30, 2013

Apple's Dumb Email!

Delivery of good or bad news is all about timing in business.  If you catch a person at just the right time the news will be taken in stride and the outcome normally positive.

Today as I am working to wrap up my week before a nice long holiday weekend I get the email above from Apple.  They start out okay letting me know that for the last year they "upgraded" me to iCloud.  Then it all goes to hell from there as they then tell me that as of the 30th if I don't pay them more money all my stuff will stop working.

Apple it is a holiday weekend you really want to piss off your customers with this stupid fee now?  Yes, I will pay it, but your timing could not be worse.  I would rather get something like this mid week where I could just have popped online paid it and not thought about it.  Instead I got it as I am trying to escape work early and not figuring out how much more money I get to pay Apple on a regular basis.

So next time Apple think about timing.  Yes I will renew, but not before I typed out this email to share my feelings with the world about how dumb someone in your iCloud Team was today.